We believe strongly in the benefits of having the knowledge of music, and how it is made in your life. Music brings joy and harmony into our lives on a daily basis, and part of that joy is sharing it with our students. We instill confidence in our pupils through patience and encouragement; confidence that will aid them in many of life's journeys, whether it be music related or not.

We feel that learning music should be a happy experience that will energize and invigorate a person. Many of our adult students have compared the benefits of their lessons to those they have experienced in therapy. Music should be a stress relieving activity; and while we encourage our students to practice regularly and come to their lessons prepared, we acknowledge each as an individual who will learn and progress at their own pace.

Our studio is open to anyone and everyone who wishes to learn. You will not need to audition or be interviewed to be a part of our "musical family!" We have a wide array of people who come to us for many reasons. They may need help in public speaking, or for the debate team. They may need to build confidence in order to interview for jobs, or have the need to learn breathing and control for cheer-leading, sports and news casting, or political speeches. They may need to simply have an enjoyable outlet for escaping the trials and frustrations of everyday life!

Many of our students have special needs and/or learning disabilities. We have helped people regain skills after suffering a stroke or brain injury, and worked with several Alzheimer's patients to help with memory recognition, and gain happiness though music therapy. We enjoy working with all people of all ages and all abilities in whatever their musical interests may be, in the hopes of bringing them to their full potential in a positive and nurturing environment.

Our hope is to instill confidence to take our pupils with them throughout life, and with it gather the joys and benefits of having music to enlighten their lives.

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